
The Black Books of Elverum is a two-volume diabolical grimoire that was discovered in an attic in Norway. It was likely written between 1790 and 1820 by an individual practitioner, and mixes Christian and pagan concepts and superstitions.

The lists of spells and demons provided here are currently incomplete

This grimoire is in the tradition of Cyprian

Demons (11)

Spells (30)
Another way to put out a fire
Ditto (To win at judicial proceedings)
How to control the evil spirits
Protection against being bewitched
Protection against being captured in war
Protection from arrows
So that dogs won't bark at you
So that wolves and bears cannot hurt cattle
So you won't miss when shooting
The art of seeing who has bewitched another's animals
The magic from swallow stones
To avoid bullets
To be bulletproof
To calm anger
To cause sleeplessness
To conjure up the evil spirits to force a thief to return that which he has stolen
To cure a fever (colla)
To fish in a hudler's pond
To free yourself from promises you've unwisely made
To heal an eye infection
To make yourself hard (strong)
To make yourself invisible
To put out a flame or an accidental fire
To weaken the poison from a snake
To win at card and dice games
To win at judicial proceedings
To win in court
To win when trading
When everyone in a house shall sleep
When you wish for someone to sleep twenty-four hours

Date 1820s
Language Norwegian
Black Books of Elverum, The (Mary Rustad)
Similar Grimoires
The Book of Abramelin
The Book of the Office of Spirits
The Book of Oberon
The Cambridge Book of Magic

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